Practice Areas | Employees
Fighting For Employees
Fighting for fair treatment and fair compensation on behalf of workers.
The unthinkable has happened. You’ve suffered a serious injury or ailment because of work. Medical treatment and rehabilitation are expensive, time consuming and painful. You’ve lost wages. Insurance representatives are fighting your claims.
You don’t have to go through this alone though. While this can be a difficult time, our lawyers know how important it is that you’re compensated fairly and are here to help you make sure that happens.

Your case is a partnership
At Mindas and Morris, we’re in your corner. When you get hurt at work your life can be turned upside down. Legal matters are never over in a week, so we work hard to be by your side every step of the way, treating your case as if it were our own. For us, it’s personal – and that means giving everything we have to making sure you get what’s rightly yours.
We’ll walk you through the complex legal processes, advocating on your behalf. Our lawyers prioritize client care and communication, which means you’ll always work directly with one of our experienced attorneys. Your case is important – and that means you deserve one-on-one time.
Don’t worry about legal fees
Worried about racking up fees without a guaranteed outcome? We don’t charge anything until you’ve received your settlement check. No settlement? No attorney fees.

Time is of the essence
Book your free consultation to get back on the road to your life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have a questions?
The Lawyer Attorneys Firm is a general practice firm that has been serving individuals and business for over twenty years.
What benefits are part of workers compensation?
New Jersey has a workers’ compensation system that covers employees’ medical costs – including physician care, surgery, prescribed medications, and rehabilitation through approved providers – and lost wages as a result of workplace injuries or illnesses. Compensation for lost wages is also referred to as temporary or permanent disability benefits.
Temporary disability benefits are the most commonly received and are calculated at 70% of your average weekly pay. Permanent disability benefits are an additional compensation based on permanent injury or loss of function. Whether or not temporary or permanent disability will be granted depends on the strength of your case and the final decision of the court.
What steps do I take if I need to file a workers’ compensation claim?
The first thing to do is speak with your employer and notify them of your situation. Notifications don’t need to be in writing, but it’s always worth documenting any communication about a claim.
Your employer will give you forms to document the event so they can file a claim. If your employer refuses to file a claim for you, you can file the claim yourself through the Division of Workers’ Compensation.
Working with a lawyer can be extremely helpful in these types of cases, as denials can be common and the rules surrounding appeals are often complex.
What if the injury or illness was my fault?
New Jersey is a no-fault state for workers’ compensation claims. That means that, when it comes to filing a claim, it doesn’t matter who or what caused the injury – you are still entitled to benefits.
Do I really need an attorney?
Although attorneys may seem like an expense that you can’t afford when you’re strapped for cash, it’s highly advisable to retain legal counsel when you’re dealing with a workers’ compensation claim. Workers’ compensation claims are complex and emotions run high. Between the paperwork, legal and insurance regulations, and your own pain and suffering, you want to have an experienced attorney in your corner.
Additionally, you may be entitled to collect money via a formal claim with the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Courts, but this can only be filed by an attorney licensed in the state. Not filing the formal claim will impact your entitlements and may even affect your right to medical care.
At Mindas and Morris, we don’t require any upfront payment and we don’t collect any fees until your case is settled.
Can I be fired for making a workers' compensation claim?
No, in New Jersey your employer can’t fire you because of a workers’ compensation claim or because you’re on work restriction as determined by an authorized treating physician. Your employer is legally required to accommodate those restrictions for the duration of your claim until you are released to normal work duty.
However, you aren’t protected from termination solely on the basis of being on workers’ compensation. If there were other demonstrable grounds for firing you, your employer could do so regardless of your claim.
Can you work while receiving workers' compensation?
Yes and no. The answer to this question depends on your individual situation. As a general rule, you cannot receive workers’ compensation benefits AND work.
There are common exceptions to this, though. If you work two jobs of a different type, you may be able to continue work at the job you weren’t injured at as long as the type of occupation doesn’t overlap. For example, if you worked as a youth center basketball coach and injured your back during work, you might be able to keep working as an administrative assistant.
What can I do if my employer doesn't have workers' compensation coverage?
In New Jersey, all public employers must have workers’ compensation insurance for their employees. If you find that your workplace doesn’t hold this insurance, you may need to sue to recover expenses.
Why are my benefits being denied?
There are lots of reasons why employers deny workers’ compensation claims. An experienced lawyer can help you determine the cause of the denial and what steps to take next to get your benefits.
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